The Sayler Family Web Site


Henry Benton Sayler, Jr.  Born January 16, 1921 in Savannah, Ga
Wyline Chapman Sayler, Born July 31, 1924 in Columbus, Ga

Check out Dad's Dislocated Finder!

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This is my dad's favorite Picture!
Audio Caption

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Henry Benton Sayler in 1927

Wyline Sayler at High Hamptons in 1933:   Audio Caption


Granddad and Dad Interview from London in 1944  You need to download Real Audio to hear this interview which in from 1944 in London and features Grandad and Dad discussing the war effort and how things were going on the Normandy Front.  For the full text of the interview click here.

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A picture of Henry Sr. and Henry Jr. the day of the CBS broadcast.  The background behind Henry Jr. was censored.

Announcement and discussion in the Florida Senate that Dad was not seeking reelection.  This link also requires real audio.

Dad commanded the 6556th Guided Missile Squadron.  Click here to see a discussion that operation and others in Patrick Air Force Bases History.


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