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Vol. XXI


No. 2

Nebraska Historical Library, Lincoln, Nebraska


Joseph Dale and Some of His Descendants

page 13

Nebraska Census, 1865, Otoe County


Book Reviews



   I. JOSEPH DALE, who was born about 1721, lived on a farm called Gilly in the parish of Mawgan, county Cornwall, England. Apparently he was a native of some other county, possibly Devon, where there were many people of that surname. He married Ann Skewes, who was about two years his junior,(b) undoubtedly a native county Cornwall. There were ten children, but only eleven grandchildren.

   Children of Joseph and Ann (Skewes) Dale:
2.   Henry.
    Joseph, had no children.
    Thomas, had no children.
    Edward, had no children.
    Sarah, two children.
    Grace, one child.
    Ann, married Lugg,(b) four children.
    Three children, names unknown, probably died young.

   II. HENRY DALE, son of Joseph and Ann (Skewes) Dale, was born about 1755 and died about 1837, more than eighty years of age. He married Elizabeth Thomas, who died about 1844, more than eighty years of age. At his father's death he inherited his father's landed estate, a considerable property for that part of England. On this farm


  (a) This genealogy was compiled by the editor of this magazine. The year 1942 marks the first centenary of the coining of this family to America. Although there are numerous descendants living, the surname Dale is almost extinct. Of the fourth generation five men of the surname are still living, two in Wisconsin, one in Nebraska, one in California, and one in the state of Washington. In the fifth generation there are only two boys of the surname, one in Nebraska and one in Washington. The data for the first generation was drawn chiefly from a record brought to America by the family. The compiler received a copy from his father's sister, Mrs. Alice Hurn.
  (b) A cousin, Miss Lucile Fulk, visited county Cornwall about fifteen years ago and took several photographs in the parish of Mawgan, including several on the farm where Joseph Dale lived as well as a photograph of the tombstones of Joseph and Ann Dale. The inscriptions read:
   "Memo..... of Joseph Dale who d......d 22 0...... 1796 ag...... 75 years"
   " memory Ann Dale who died 2 January 1819 aged 96 [?] years"
below on this stone
   "Also of Ann Lugg."







was a large stone house, which his father had built, with "J. D." in large letters over the front door. On this farm were also tenant houses and large barns.(c)

   Children of Henry and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dale:
       i. Joseph, married Mary Warren; six children; inherited his father's land, which passed into other
           hands; removed, some say to Scotland, some say to Australia.
3.   ii. Edward, b. April 30, 1792.
     iii. Elizabeth, married John Thomas. Their children (surname Thomas) were John and Henry, a
           daughter Elizabeth, who married and raised a family, and a daughter who did not marry.
     iv. Henry, married Alice Williams; nine children; said to have moved to Canada between 1845
          and 1850.

   III. EDWARD1 DALE, Son of Henry and Elizabeth (Thomas) Dale, was born in the parish of Mawgan, April 30, 1792. In his youth he was a sailor visiting various parts of the world including South America. He married, May 20, 1815, in Mawgan Church near Helston, Peggy (Margaret) Harry, born April 25, 1794, in Mawgan, daughter of Nicholas Harry, an innkeeper. For several years after his marriage he lived on his father's farm, but before his fifth child was born he moved to another farm about five miles distant in the parish of Mullyon. When fifty years of age he disposed of his property and set out for America with his family on the Cornwall, a sailing vessel. After a voyage of fifty-one days they landed at Halifax. From there they preceded to Cleveland, Ohio, where they visited friends a few days and then went on to the Cornish colony in Racine County, Wisconsin. They arrived at Dover, October 9, 1842. About two weeks later Edward Dale bought the farm which he occupied until his death and which passed to his daughter, Mrs. Peggy (Margaret) Crane. His wife died in Racine County, December 25, 1853. Later he returned to county Cornwall and married a second wife, but he soon became dissatified and returned to Wisconsin without her. He died in Racine County, April 30, 1857, and was buried beside his wife in the Yorkville churchyard. Of their nine children the four oldest were born in the parish of Mawgan and the other five in the parish of Mullyon(c). Only four have living descendants, Thomas, Margaret, Elizabeth Ann and Joseph.

   Children of Edward1 and Margaret (Harry) Dale:
      i. Edward 2, b. Aug. 20, 1816; died of consumption, Racine Co., Sept. 2, 1852; unmarried;
          a school teacher and local preacher. He came to America a year before the rest of the family.
     ii. Alice 2, b. Mar. 23, 1818; m. Nov. 4, 1843, Edmund Baker of Edmund, Wis., where she died
         July 2, 1844.


  (c) The information for this generation was taken from the record brought by the family from England. In addition the compiler in July 1906 visited his father's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Crane, in Racine County, Wisconsin, and received much additional information from her at that time. She was eighteen years old when the family migrated to America.








4.      iii. Thomas2, b. Oct. 9, 1819.
        iv. Henry2, b. July 26, 1821; killed by the kick of a horse, Sept. 1831.
5.      v. Margaret2 (Peggy), b. Nov. 20, 1823.
6.     vi. Elizabeth Ann 2, b. April 19, 1825.
       vii. Nicholas Harry 2, b. April 6, 1827; married Mar. 30, 1857, Caroline Adams. He was a school teacher
             and lawyer. During the Civil War he served in the Second Wisconsin Cavalry, returning as it's
             colonel. After the war he removed to Neosho, Mo., where he died, July 9, 1878. His widow died
             there in 1906. Their only child died in infancy.
7.   viii. Joseph J. 2, b. Feb. 25, 1829.
        ix. Henry 2, b. Dec. 8, 1831; died of sunstroke, Mar. 9, 1858, at Brunswick, Ga., where was visiting his
             brother Joseph; unmarried.

   IV. THOMAS2 DALE (Edward1) was born October 9, 1819, in the parish of Mawgan, county Cornwall, England, and came to America with his father's family on the Cornwall in 1842. He married, May 14, 1846, Ann May Angear, born in county Devon, England, December 16, 1826, daughter of John Walter and Ann (May) Angear. He settled in the town of Yorkville where he was a farmer and local preacher. He died there suddenly, August 29, 1883. Several years later his widow moved with her youngest daughter to Racine, where she died, April 13, 1891. Their children were all born on the farm in the town of Yorkville.

   Children of Thomas2 and Ann May (Angear) Dale:
8.      i. James Henry3, b. Dec. 24, 1847.
9.     ii. Alice Ann 3, b. Sept. 28, 1849.
10.  iii. Edward 3, b. Nov. 24, 1852.
11.  iv. Walter Fremont 3, b. Dec. 6, 1856.
12.   v. Helena Frederica 3, b. May 31, 1863.

   V. MARGARET (PEGGY)2 DALE ( Edward1) , was born in the parish of Mullyon, county Cornwall, England. She married, Racine County, Wisconsin, March 9, 1857, John W. B. Crane, a native of England, and after her father's death came into possession of his farm. She survived her husband many years. Their five children were born on the home farm.

   Children of John W. B. and Margaret (Dale) Crane, surname Crane:
       i. Ella. married George Willmore. Her husband died within a few years and she died in 1894. Their four
          children were brought up on their grandparents farm and all married. Children, surname Willmore,
          Georgia, John, Laura and Cyrus.
     ii. Paley Wix, b. abt. 1857; d. unmarried in the 1820's. (sic)
    iii. Cyrus, d. a young man, unmarried.
    iv. Laura, living 1943, unmarried.
     v. Alfred, helpless paraletic in 1943, unmarried.

   VI. ELIZABETH ANN2 DALE ( Edward1) was born April 19, 1825, in the parish of Mullyon, county Cornwall, England. She married, June 24, 1846, in Racine County, Wisconsin, John U. Baker, a native






of county Devon, England, and a brother of Edmund Baker, who had married her sister Alice. They lived at Edmund, Wisconsin, but later removed to Madison, because of its educational advantages.

   Children of John U. and Elizabeth (Dale) Baker,(d) surname Baker:
       i. Dale, b. Mar. 22, 1847; m. Lida Ellsworth, Oct. 5, 1876; 7 children, 5 growing to maturity.
      ii. Turner, b. Oct. 3, 1848; m. Mrs. Mary Vanderbie Stevens; no children.
     iii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 6, 1850; m. John Osborne; lived at Scranton, Ia.; no children.
     iv. Anna Margaret, b. Aug. 6, 1851; m. Albert Watkins; five children; They moved to Lincoln in 1882,
           where he was editor of the Lincoln Democrat and for two terms postmaster of Lincoln. He was best
           known for his three volume history of Nebraska.
      v. Joseph, b. Aug. 19, 1853; m. Mary Rolling; three daughters, only one growing to womanhood. He was
           a farmer near Carleton, Neb., moving to S. Dak. after 1907.
     vi. Clarkson, b. June 11, 1855; d. young.
    vii. Nicholas Dale, b. Oct. 11, 1857; married twice; 2 daughters.
   viii. Osman, b. July 11, 1859; did not marry.
     ix. Alma, b. May 17, 1861; m. Whitney Trousdale, a minister; two children. She died early in life.
      x. Clara Delia, b. Jan. 25, 1863; m. William H. Fleet, an attorney; no children.
     xi. Carrie Ella, b. June 10, 1864; m. George Oakes. an attorney; one son.
    xii. Lilly, b. Dec. 7, 1867; m. Ernest A. Warner, an attorney; three children.

   VII. JOSEPH J.2 DALE ( Edward1) was born February 25, 1829, in the parish of Mullyon, county Cornwall, England, and came with his father's family to Wisconsin in 1842. He married in Racine County, February 25, 1855, Miss Delia White, a descendant of a New England family, and soon afterwards removed to Brunswick, Georgia, where he was a lumber dealer. He served in the Confederate Army for a short time before the close of the war. Having lost most of his property he had to start life anew, so he removed to Savannah and entered business, acquiring before his death a comfortable fortune. After the war he never again visited the North nor saw his brothers and sisters. His wife died in December 1900 and he died April 1, 1904. Both are buried at Savannah.

   Children of Joseph2 J. and Delia (White) Dale:
       i. Fulton; married; no children; associated with his father in business.
      ii. dau., married H. Mitchel; d. 1883; three sons; a son, Joseph survived her.
     iii. Lily, married Merrit W. Dixon.
     iv. dau. married W. J. Lindsay.
      v. dau., married E. H. Nichols.
     vi. dau., married James M. Dixon.
    vii. dau., married W. W. Osborne.


  (d) Dates of birth are from the Baker family Bible, now owned by Mrs. Clara (Watkins) Burgitt, Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. Burgitt furnished much additional information regarding this branch of the family.







    viii. Eugie, m. Dr. Prosser.
      ix. son, died in infancy.
       x. dau., died in infancy.

   VIII. JAMES HENRY3 DALE (Thomas2, Edward1) was born in Racine County, Wisconsin, December 24, 1847, and married, October 10, 1887, Laura Augusta Choak of Rochester, Wisconsin, of English parentage. He attended Rochester Seminary two years, spending the remainder of his life on the home farm, which passed to him from his father. He died, February 20, 1904, from the result of an operation for appendicitis. His widow, two sons and a daughter still live on the home farm.

   Children of James H.3 and Laura A. (Choak) Dale:
      i. Eva May, b. Aug. 31, 1888; married ------ Dawson; has a son and a daughter.
     ii. Harry Choak, b. Mar. 27, 1890; unmarried; lives on home farm.
    iii. Lillie Augusta, b. Dec. 5, 1891; unmarried; lives on home farm.
    iv. Laura Fern, b. Sept. 10, 1893; d. of diphtheria, July 5, 1896.
     v. Joseph Fulton, b. Sept. 11, 1895; unmarried; lives on home farm.
    vi. Florence Henrietta, b. Dec. 15, 1899; d. in infancy.

   IX. ALICE ANN3 DALE ( Thomas2, Edward1) was born on the home farm, Racine County, Wisconsin, and married, November 10, 1870, John Charles Hurn, a native of county Cambridge, England. They lived at Sioux Rapids, Iowa, for many years and then moved to Aitkin, Minnesota, where she died. She accumulated considerable property. Both children were born in Racine County.

   Children of John C. and Alice A. (Dale) Hurn, surname Hurn:
i. James Amon Dale, b. Oct. 9, 1871; married Bertha Paley of Shell Rock, Ia., Oct. 11, 1899, who died
         June 13, 1908. For a while they lived at Calvin, N. Dak., where he was a dealer in farm machinery.
         After his death the children went to live with their mother's relatives. Children, (a) Esther Lenora, b.
         Sept. 2, 1902, Aitkin, Minn.; (b) Paul Paley, b. Sept. 7, 1906, Calvin, N. Dak.
     ii. Lenora May, b. Sept. 5, 1874; died in infancy.

   X. EDWARD3 DALE ( Thomas2, Edward1) was born on the home farm, Racine County, Wisconsin, November 24, 1852. After attending country school his father sent him to Rochester Seminary, where he completed his education. He married, December 25, 1878, in Racine County, Miss Rebecca Jane George, of English parentage. In early life he was deputy sheriff of Racine County. Soon after his marriage he settled at Coon Rapids, Iowa, where he was a farmer and grain dealer. Late in life he moved to Florida, where he died.

   Children of Edward and Rebecca J. (George) Dale:
      i. Edward Fulton, b. Oct. 12, 1879; d. Dec. 4, 1898, consumption.
     ii. Thomas Sidney, b. May 19, 1882; d. Apr. 14, 1883, scarlet fever.
    iii. George, b. Dec. 19, 1884; enlisted at the age of seventeen in the U. S. Cavalry for three years serving
         part of the time in the Philipines; railroad train service; served during World War in France; married;
         one step- daughter; lives in Los Angeles.






     iv. Joseph E., b. Oct. 13, 1886; clothing merchant at Woodbine, Ia.; killed in automobile accident; survived
          by wife and one daughter.
      v. Florence May, b. Apr. 4, 1889; married ------- Myers; no children.
     vi. William Walter, b. Apr. 6. 1891; served in commissary department during World War; lived in Lincoln,
          Neb., and Chicago, Ill.; deceased; survived by wife and one daughter.
     vii. Alice Marie, b. Oct. 13, 1894; married ------- Edwards; one son.

   XI. WALTER FREMONT3 DALE ( Thomas2, Edward1) was born on the home farm, Racine County, Wisconsin, December 6, 1856. He spent two years at Rochester Seminary and three years at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, graduating from the theological course in 1878. He was a minister of the Methodist church three years in Wisconsin. After farming four years in Racine County, Wisconsin, he removed in 1885 to a farm in the northern part of Harlan County, Nebraska. While living in Harlan County he was a member of the board of supervisors four years, Populist member of the state senate in 1893 and 1895, and state president of the Farmers' Alliance in 1894. He moved from Harlan County in the spring of 1902 and afterwards lived at Martland, Fillmore County, at York, at Denton, and at Lincoln, where he died November 17, 1930. He married, October 3, 1879, Prospect, Wisconsin, Miss Ella C. Hale, foster daughter of Hiram E. Hale. She was born 1858 at Antioch, Illinois, the daughter of Elias and Nancy Ann (Corey) Haight and the grand daughter of Benjamin and Alma (Beach) Haight.

   Children of Walter F. and Ella C. (Hale) Dale:
      i. Raymond Elmer, b. July 8, 1880; m. Lela Chase; eight children, seven of whom survive; lives in
          Lincoln, Neb.
     ii. Alma Alice, b. Nov. 16, 1882; m. Thomas Franklin George; four children; lives in Schuyler, Neb.
    iii. Laura May, b. Aug. 2, 1884; m. Jay Lucerne King; five children, four of whom survive; lives in Lincoln.
    iv. Flora Ethel, b. May 3, 1887; m. Otto William Neutzman, who died four years later; two children; lives in
         Washington, D. C.
     v. Clinton Fisk, b. July 3, 1890; m. Bessie Dauwalter; two children; lives in Mount Vernon, Wash.
    vi. Allen Walter, b. Oct. 31, 1892; killed by railroad train at Ashland, Neb., Feb. 25, 1912.

   XII. HELENA FREDERICKA3 DALE ( Thomas2, Edward1) was born on the home farm in Racine County, Wisconsin, May 31, 1863. She married, September 26, 1894, at Hastings, Nebraska, William Burton Fulk. Mr. Fulk was a hardware merchant at Atlanta, Nebraska. After her husband's death about 1922 she moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, where she died in August, 1934.

   Children of William B. and Helena F. (Dale) Fulk, surname Fulk:
i. Lucile Dale, b. Oct. 8, 1895; unmarried.
     ii. Ellsworth Leroy, b. Apr. 7, 1897; served in navy during World War; m. Wilma B. Hitzler; one son; lives
          in Lincoln, Neb.
    iii. Ruth Bertine, b. June 17, 1906; m. Norman Durfee; one son; lives in St. Louis, Mo.


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